Our company is certified according to EN ISO 3834-2 and is equipped with modern MIG, MAG, and TIG welding equipment. We have an infrastructure that supports high-quality welded manufacturing through the use of positioners in welding processes, and significant expertise in producing accurate products.

Our welding personnel are certified according to EN ISO 9606-1 and 14732 standards and are re-qualified every six months by our in-house International Welding Engineer.

Additionally, welding quality requirements are controlled by NDT personnel and inspectors qualified according to the EN ISO 9712 standard.


Certifying Body


IIW Welding Engineer Diploma



Level II (UT) Ultrasonic Testing

Akademi NDT

ISO 9712

Level II (MT) Magnetic Testing

Akademi NDT

ISO 9712

Level II (PT) Liquid Penetrant Testing

Akademi NDT

ISO 9712

Level II (VT) Visual Testing

Akademi NDT

ISO 9712